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Below is a curated list of some of my favorite online resources for STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and content-agnostic digital learning. Given my background in professional development, each section is divided into sites to use with students and tools for teacher planning.

STEM Education Resources

Sites for Students

Science News for Students is a fusion of a magazine and newspaper that covers science topics for students. The free articles are fascinating and meet a variety of reading levels for 6-12 students. If you are looking to add

Image Source: Science News for Students

a literacy element to your unit, I would recommend you check this site out first.

University of Colorado (UC) Boulder has an amazing offering of free interactive simulations (sims) in STEM. By manipulating different variables, students can use PhET sims to engage in cycles of inquiry and explore concepts at macro-

Image Source: University of Colorado Boulder

and microscopic levels in a game-like environment. This was my favorite tool while teaching science!

Need a tool that allows students to manipulate graphs and learn the math behind artistic visuals? Want to use graphing calculators but can't afford them? Desmos is for you. This free, online app can be

Image Source: Desmos

used for basic graphing techniques and also comes with dozens of fun activities that are sure to excite your students about math.

Tools for Teachers

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) recommend that teachers ground students' learning in anchoring phenomena that build on students' everyday experiences. It can be difficult to brainstorm what to use: enter #ProjectPhenomena. This site has a

Image Source: San Diego County Office of Education

searchable database to help you plan NGSS units.

University at Buffalo's collection of case studies is a fantastic resource to find new ideas for teaching science concepts in a way that fosters critical thinking. There are lesson sequences for sixth graders

Image Source: University at Buffalo

to adults across STEM topics. While not free, an annual subscription is only $25 for almost 800 case studies.

If you are not sure how to incorporate the engineering side of the NGSS science and engineering practices, check out Teach Engineering! UC Boulder has compiled free units, lessons, and activities for K-12 teachers.

Image Source: University of Colorado Boulder

The helpful database offers search filters for grade, topic, resource type, and even time required.

STEM Education Resorces
Digital Learning Resources

Digital Learning Resources

Sites for Students

Quizlet is a freemium (i.e., free for basic features but you can pay to unlock content) tool that takes the idea of flashcards to a whole new level. Teachers and students alike can create "study sets" to build

Image Source: Quizlet Inc.

content fluency. Beyond traditional flashcards, students can learn or practice content through games to mix up their learning across subject areas.

Seesaw, another freemium app, is a digital portfolio and collaboration tool. Students document their learning through teacher-created assignments and can practice the key skills of self-reflection and peer feedback. The

Image Source: Seesaw Learning, Inc.

platform offers a rich activity library, making it easy to add templates and content for students.

If I had to describe Padlet, I would call it a whiteboard-meets-bulletin-board-meets-online-collaboration tool. Students can author content and receive comments from their peers in a visual, board setting. It is

Image Source: Padlet, Inc.

a great freemium tool for both synchronous and asynchronous learning and can help students who need more written than verbal processing. 

Tools for Teachers

The University of Texas at Austin Faculty Innovation Center provides a plethora of resources for digital learning, including pages focused on creating a "flipped" classroom. This site walks teachers through the steps they should take to shift

ut shield.jpg

Image Source: University of Texas at Austin

from didactic to personalized learning. Ready to take the flipped leap? Check out their quick-start guide.

Ever feel overwhelmed about all of the possible ways to support students with digital learning? Use the UDL Guidelines to find research-based approaches to

Image Source: CAST, Inc.

meet the needs of all students. The guidelines are broken into checkpoints that offer concrete strategies for teachers to implement in their classrooms.

If you are new to using the learning management system (LMS) Canvas or even a seasoned pro, I highly recommend joining the Canvas Community forum. It is a great place to connect with Canvas users around the globe and get ideas on

Image Source: Instructure, Inc.

how to effectively use the platform. If you do not use Canvas, check out the forum for your LMS of choice.


Shanna Harper 


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